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, 經濟實惠的恭賀開幕商務禮品籃




尋找最完美的禮物送給你的企業客戶,尊貴客戶及商務夥伴是比較棘手。每人都有不同的口味及個人喜好,要正中所有人的喜好是十分困難的。不過,我們Gift Hampers Hong Kong的員工已為你構思好各種最適合開幕儀式的商務禮物。






Gift Hampers Hong Kong是你的最佳香港網上禮物籃及禮品平台。瀏覽我們的網頁,找尋一系列各式各樣的禮物及心意卡,也可以以大量購買的形式,送贈參與你開幕儀式的客戶。我們提供免費送貨服務至全港市區,減少你的煩惱。以下是我們的精選禮物籃:

, 經濟實惠的恭賀開幕商務禮品籃
  • 品味法國: 你不需要專程到法國品嚐當地的美食。這款禮物籃已為你準備一系列的美食,帶來不一樣的體驗。立即享受最優質的鴨肝醬,配上香脆的有機薄脆,品嚐一口濃郁的法國紅酒。售價: 港幣$499.00
, 經濟實惠的恭賀開幕商務禮品籃
  • 傳統果籃: 傳統的水果籃最能為你帶來健康及活動。提供普通或特大尺寸果籃,切合你的需要。售價: 港幣$399.00 – 港幣$499.00
, 經濟實惠的恭賀開幕商務禮品籃
  • 蔬菜盛放: 這款禮物盒包含了一系列日常煮食常用,新鮮好味的蔬菜。絕對是健康又有心意的禮物,不會構成浪費。售價: 港幣$699.00
what our happy customers say
View all Testimonials
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
"I live in the United States and needed to get flowers to a sick friend in Hong Kong. Gift Flowers was very professional and assisted me in every way to accomplish this. They made some very good recommendations and the flowers sent were very beautiful. I would highly recommend them for any of your floral needs."
"Beautiful flowers! My 2nd time purchase from Gift Flowers! Absolutely great services and products! Reasonable price too!"
"Thank you for the beautiful flowers you delivered to my daughter-in-law on her birthday, order ~500000259, she was delighted with them & I will certainly use you again. So easy to order, thank you again."
"I would just like to thank you for the smooth process and delivery of my order. The orchid was very pretty per recipient. Thank you once again. Really appreciate it!"
"Thanks so much!!! The flower is lovely and a great comfort for my sister after her surgery!! Appreciate your help delivering the message for me at the right time as I am not in HK at the moment :) Keep up your nice products and service!!!"
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
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當夏天來到,彷彿呈現在畫面上一般,你將以全新視角見識豐富多樣的夏天時令水果風情。 熱帶水果在營養方面非常有益。 但是,如何充分利用當造水果,同時享受不時不食的好處呢? 讓我們來看看吧! 不時不食的好處 遵循時令飲食不僅是一種烹飪趨勢,這還具有重要意義。究竟食用時令水果有哪些重要原因呢? 新鮮採摘夏天水果的營養優勢 與非時令水果相比,當造水果在維生素、礦物質和抗氧化劑等營養成分方面更加豐富。這是為什麼呢?因為它們在達到最佳成熟時被採摘,通常不需要像非時令水果那樣多的肥料和化學藥劑來維持生長。特別是新鮮採摘的夏天水果,是提供能量和增強免疫力的寶貴來源。 支持本地熱帶水果農民和可持續農業 選擇本地種植的時令水果不僅讓你與本土緊密聯繫,而且你直接或間接地支持著本地熱帶水果農民和經濟。更不用提這樣做還有助於減少長距離運輸所產生的碳足跡,而長距離運輸在非當造水果和食品上通常是不可避免的。 香港夏天時令水果種類:供應情況與營養重點 芒果:夏季水果之王 從美味的Alphons芒果到多汁的Kesar芒果,芒果是你需要夏天時令水果提神的最佳選擇。香港還有其他品種的芒果,包括Langra芒果、Chaunsa 芒果和Himsagar芒果。 健康益處與營養價值 芒果富含維生素C和纖維,因此對你的消化健康非常有益。它們還是有助於增強免疫系統的水果種類。 荔枝:甜蜜多汁的美味 荔枝這種甜蜜多汁的熱帶水果深受香港人喜愛,如有帝皇荔枝和情人荔枝等多種品種,一口味道可能就會讓你心動。 健康益處與營養價值 荔枝含有豐富的維生素C和銅,有助於促進健康的皮膚和增強消化功能。 ...




外面的天氣雖然寒冷,不過大家對春天的期待已經彌漫在空氣之中! 今年是虎年,而且是慶祝農曆新一年開始的中國新年。 …這便代表是時候為名單上的每一位尋找最適合的禮物! 農曆新年禮物的送禮禁忌,以下的指南將會幫助你作出最正確的選擇。