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, 7個你一定要知道的月餅小知識

中秋節馬上來臨,大家都準備要四出購買月餅。但我們真的了解月餅嗎? 到底有哪幾種月餅? 我們又應該選擇哪種月餅呢?

你的首選網上禮品籃平台Gift Hampers Hong Kong,我們的美食專家已分析好關於美味月餅的7大重點。


  1. 月餅,到底是什麼? 月餅是一款在中秋節食用的糕點。它可以是圓型或正方形,通常有豆沙或蓮蓉作為餡料。在古時,人們製作月餅獻結月亮之神嫦娥,感謝農作豐收的一年。
  2. 月餅要怎樣食用? 因為月餅的餡料非常濃厚,所以較少整個食用。可以把月餅分成細份,與家人分享。月餅通常會配以中國茶,能有助消除月餅的濃郁的甜味。同時,水果也會配月餅食用,用作平衡油膩的感覺。
  3. 月餅的象徵及製作? 按照中國傳統,圓渾的形狀代表著圓滿及團圓的意思。月餅模仿著月圓的形態,為家庭帶來繁榮、豐盛及團聚。能與最愛的人分享月餅,分甘同味,也是這個節日最值得珍惜的時刻。
  4. 月餅有不同種類及口味嗎? 是的,而且有非常多! 在現今,市場上已經有不同類型的月餅。除了傳統的豆沙及蓮蓉餡料,包含或不包含咸蛋黃,更有五仁豬肉月餅、綠茶月餅、雪糕月餅、芝士月餅,甚至海鮮月餅!
  5. 為何有這麼多種類的月餅? 中國不同地方都各有不同的月餅。由於每個地方的飲食習慣不相同,所以月餅的款式、口味或餡料都可以非常不一樣。例如,廣東人款式的月餅都以不同類型的甜餡料為主,北京人的月餅通常在酥皮上蓋有紅圈,蘇州人的月餅以多層香脆的片狀麵粉製成,雲南人的月餅大多以火腿或鮮花作餡料。
  6. 月餅的售價? 單個月餅一般都比較便宜,但一盒精緻又有奢華包裝的月餅便比較昂貴。月餅被視作節日必備的送禮食品,各大公司都會以花巧的包裝作為獨特的賣點。每個月餅都會獨立放在透明的氣密包裝保鮮,同時附有小包的防氧化珠。
  7. 我應該花多少錢在月餅上? 月餅的定價非常廣泛,而且按照口味、包裝及質量而定。一盒月餅售價大約由$200港幣至$1,000港幣不等。

Gift Hampers HK月餅果籃


, 7個你一定要知道的月餅小知識
  • 尊貴果籃配半島月餅(售價: 港幣$759.00) 便非常適合小型家庭聚會使用。果籃包括了美味的月餅及水果,讓你與家人盡情分享美食!
, 7個你一定要知道的月餅小知識
, 7個你一定要知道的月餅小知識
what our happy customers say
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"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
"I live in the United States and needed to get flowers to a sick friend in Hong Kong. Gift Flowers was very professional and assisted me in every way to accomplish this. They made some very good recommendations and the flowers sent were very beautiful. I would highly recommend them for any of your floral needs."
"Beautiful flowers! My 2nd time purchase from Gift Flowers! Absolutely great services and products! Reasonable price too!"
"Thank you for the beautiful flowers you delivered to my daughter-in-law on her birthday, order ~500000259, she was delighted with them & I will certainly use you again. So easy to order, thank you again."
"I would just like to thank you for the smooth process and delivery of my order. The orchid was very pretty per recipient. Thank you once again. Really appreciate it!"
"Thanks so much!!! The flower is lovely and a great comfort for my sister after her surgery!! Appreciate your help delivering the message for me at the right time as I am not in HK at the moment :) Keep up your nice products and service!!!"
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
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正所謂女人心, 海底針;尋找一份完美禮物送給另一半是一件非常艱鉅,棘手及微妙的任務。每個女人都有不同的興趣,不同的品味和不同的需要;世界上沒有任何禮物是適合所有的女人。為了幫助您們理解女人的想法,以下是有關送禮的一些建議:撇除你的預算和她的喜好,場合或節日是非常重要的元素。


服裝派對的精粹在於大會主題。可能是朋友圈裏都愛看的電視節目?也或許是大家的共同愛好? 除了日常生活元素,大家還可以選擇帶歷史性的派對主題。例如是一出攝人的驚慄電影,又或曾風靡彼此童年時代的卡通人物。