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, 10個你可能不知道的復活節事情
  1. 復活節的名稱起源於異教的女神 – Ēostre,又名Ostara。她的宗教節日總是於春分時分舉行。
  2. 有一種花名叫復活節百合花。它被命名這樣是因為它往往在復活節假期開花,這種花是純潔和新生活的象徵。花的象徵意義於近年特別顯著及被廣泛認識,因為它是由一個球莖漸漸生長為花朵,就好像重生的一種形式。
  3. 你知道嗎,復活節是第二個最高糖果消費的節日。當然,於首位的無疑是萬聖節。巧克力兔子是復活節最流行的禮物之一。統計數據顯示,超過四分三的人會先把耳朵吃掉。儘管如此,巧克力蛋也是十分流行。吉百利奶油蛋是最流行的巧克力,每天在英國生產超過150萬。事實上,在19世紀時,歐洲已是第一個生產巧克力蛋的地方。
  4. 復活節有幾個習俗都是與運氣相關的。例如,相傳若你找到一隻有兩個蛋黃的雞蛋意味著你被賦予吉祥。在世界的某些地區,人們會於復活節期間打開門和窗戶,讓陽光可以趕走任何邪惡。
  5. 有些國家使用 “踰越節”代表復活節。這個詞來源於猶太節日。此外,踰越節亦有四十天的封齋期,信徒需於這期間特別祈禱及補贖。
  6. 復活節期間可製作出十億的軟心豆粒糖,當中最流行的顏色是紅色。傳統習慣將蛋形糖果隱藏在塑料蛋殼裡面的,讓孩子尋找。這些糖果於二十世紀及三十年代已成為的復活節禮物之一。
  7. 第一份出現的復活節禮物記載是十字麵包。修道士們將這些包子送出,並於麵包上打上交叉,於大齋期時送給有需要的人士。
  8. 現今,大多數人染復活節彩蛋是用顏料。在顏料被發明前,人們不得不發揮其創意,染料大多是從植物製成,紅蔥皮,胡蘿蔔,果汁等食品是必需的染料。
  9. 耶穌被釘在十字架那天被稱為耶穌受難日。這通常訂於復活節前的星期五。 
  10. 你知道嗎,還有專為視障人士而做的復活節彩蛋。這些雞蛋會發出蜂鳴聲,讓所有孩子們在復活節中仍可參與尋找彩蛋的遊戲。這意味著,人人都有機會分享當的樂趣。
what our happy customers say
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"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
"I live in the United States and needed to get flowers to a sick friend in Hong Kong. Gift Flowers was very professional and assisted me in every way to accomplish this. They made some very good recommendations and the flowers sent were very beautiful. I would highly recommend them for any of your floral needs."
"Beautiful flowers! My 2nd time purchase from Gift Flowers! Absolutely great services and products! Reasonable price too!"
"Thank you for the beautiful flowers you delivered to my daughter-in-law on her birthday, order ~500000259, she was delighted with them & I will certainly use you again. So easy to order, thank you again."
"I would just like to thank you for the smooth process and delivery of my order. The orchid was very pretty per recipient. Thank you once again. Really appreciate it!"
"Thanks so much!!! The flower is lovely and a great comfort for my sister after her surgery!! Appreciate your help delivering the message for me at the right time as I am not in HK at the moment :) Keep up your nice products and service!!!"
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
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百日宴即是韓國文化中的 Baek-il,對於新父母和他們的寶寶來說是一個重要的里程碑。這個慶祝活動標誌著嬰兒出生後第一個 100 天的結束,在世界各地的許多文化中都有傳統慶祝活動。百日宴是新父母慶祝其寶寶健康並表達對迄今旅程的感激之情的機會,也是送禮的好時機。如果您正在為百日宴尋找完美的禮物,我們已經為您準備好了。在本文中,我們將分享百日宴的 5 大嬰兒禮物創意。 百日宴慶祝活動的 5 大嬰兒禮物好主意 嬰兒相簿 嬰兒相簿是父母記錄寶寶生命首 100 天的絕佳方式。相簿可以成為精美的紀念品,更可以珍藏多年。市面上有許多不同類型的相簿可供選擇,例如傳統相簿、數位相簿或兩者的組合。 相簿中將會裝滿寶寶第一次微笑、第一步和其他難忘時刻的照片。您還可以使用寶寶的名字或其他特別訊息來客製化相簿。 客製化嬰兒毛毯 個性化的嬰兒毛毯是一份永恆的禮物,可以珍藏多年,是慶祝寶寶 100 天生日並展示您的關心的一種貼心方式。 用寶寶的名字、出生日期或特殊訊息來客製化毛毯是讓它變得特別的好方法。在選擇完美的嬰兒毛毯時,有多種選擇可供選擇,其中一些最受歡迎的材料包括棉和羊毛。 嬰兒服裝 ...

母親節禮籃 – 給媽媽一個驚喜
