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, 給關注環保人士的環保禮物籃




不過你也不需要失望! Gift Hampers Hong Kong已為你準備了幾個綠色送禮小貼士,解決你的煩惱!

  1. 不要再購買只有噱頭及節日主題的禮物了–因為它們根本捱不過一個季節。相反,了解一下對方需要及想要的禮物,選擇實用的消耗品作為禮物。挑選一份能幫助環境的禮物,例如有機或天然的禮物都非常適合。環境友好的食物同樣也是一份有心思的禮物,因為又可以吃又可以對身體帶來好處。
  2. 對於那些不太確定什麼禮物適合對方或該場合,環保禮物籃及環境友好禮物便是最佳選擇。一般來說,禮物籃包含了幾款不同的產品,可以讓對方與其他人分享,總有一款適合大家。環境友好禮物的優勝之處,是在於即使對方並非熱愛環保的人,當對方扔棄禮物時也對環境造成最少的傷害。
  3. 如果你想知道送禮是否也可以對環境友好,甚至做到零浪費,答案將會是「對的!」,不過首先必需要提前計劃。我們Gift Hampers Hong Kong致力減少地球上的碳足印,採用新式的環保禮物籃包裝方法,做到少塑包裝、100%可生物降解玻璃紙包裝或100%可循環再用物料。同時,你可以嘗試減少塑膠及不要包裝紙,或利用剩餘的物料作包裝。



, 給關注環保人士的環保禮物籃
  • 與家人及好友在公園或海灘,享受這款夏日出走禮物籃,品嚐各種美味的零食。禮物籃包含了野餐墊及野餐餐具,配上一系列零食包括威化脆片、果仁、橄欖、有機曲奇、果醬、果汁等等。售價: 港幣$1,169.00
, 給關注環保人士的環保禮物籃
  • 這款飲食快樂禮物籃便最適合忙碌一族,經常東奔西走沒有時間為聚會準備健康美食的人。這款Gift Hampers香港環保可重用粗麻布袋,包含了有機麥片、蜂蜜、零食、果汁及各種時令蔬果。售價: 港幣$1,029.00
, 給關注環保人士的環保禮物籃
  • 送上令人意想不到的禮物,令對方感受到你的別緻心意。與另一伴或好友享受美妙的晚上,品嚐奢華的美食及一杯香濃的咖啡。售價: 港幣$1,295.00
what our happy customers say
View all Testimonials
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
"I live in the United States and needed to get flowers to a sick friend in Hong Kong. Gift Flowers was very professional and assisted me in every way to accomplish this. They made some very good recommendations and the flowers sent were very beautiful. I would highly recommend them for any of your floral needs."
"Beautiful flowers! My 2nd time purchase from Gift Flowers! Absolutely great services and products! Reasonable price too!"
"Thank you for the beautiful flowers you delivered to my daughter-in-law on her birthday, order ~500000259, she was delighted with them & I will certainly use you again. So easy to order, thank you again."
"I would just like to thank you for the smooth process and delivery of my order. The orchid was very pretty per recipient. Thank you once again. Really appreciate it!"
"Thanks so much!!! The flower is lovely and a great comfort for my sister after her surgery!! Appreciate your help delivering the message for me at the right time as I am not in HK at the moment :) Keep up your nice products and service!!!"
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
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母親節禮籃 – 給媽媽一個驚喜


