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高級聖誕節自助餐推薦 2019

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, 高級聖誕節自助餐推薦 2019

聖誕自助餐去哪裡好? 由便宜到奢華

在香港由平安夜至聖誕節晚上期間,任何的地方都能夠吃到聖誕大餐。由於香港沒有完全跟隨基督教的傳統,你在本地的餐牌上所找到的美食都備受當地主流文化影響 – 豐富、傳統及實惠。




  1. 聖誕布丁
  2. 烤火雞
  3. 烤火腿
  4. 烤雞肉
  5. 烤牛肉
  6. 焗肉餡
  7. 烤薯仔
  8. 薯仔沙律
  9. 煙薰肉
  10. 小椰菜
  11. 蔓越莓果醬
  12. 麵包醬
  13. 香腸
  14. 雞蛋
  15. 湯: 蘑菇、魚、椰菜、小扁豆或青豆湯



Gift Hampers HK有幾款禮物籃能夠送給你的最愛,作為節日的特別禮物。例如我們的歡呼聖誕以及聖誕老人來了。以上禮物籃都包含了各式各樣獨特的禮物,以及一系列零食和糖果。

5個令人難以忘記的酒店聖誕自助餐: 由奢華版至平民版

你正想找一個舒適的地方讓家人享用聖誕午餐嗎? 我們為你準備了5間酒店,排名由最昂貴至最平民,讓你可以好好享受香港的聖誕自助餐。

  • 香港君悅酒店

「茶園」位於灣仔港灣道1號 – 香港君悅酒店閣樓(電話:25847722),擁有7.5米高的落地玻璃讓你飽覽灣仔的燦爛景色。



  • 12月1日至12月23日: 每位成人港幣$728,每位小童港幣$364
  • 12月24日至12月25日: 每位成人港幣$1280,每位小童港幣$640
  • 12月26日: 每位成人港幣$798,每位小童港幣$399
  • 12月27日至12月30日: 每位成人港幣$728,每位小童港幣$364
  • 12月31日: 每位港幣$2380
  • 尖沙咀帝苑酒店

「帝苑軒」位於尖沙咀麼地道69號 – 帝苑酒店3樓(電話:27332030)。每4位客人便可享用一隻有名的日本毛蟹。其他美味佳餚包括波士頓龍蝦、長腳蟹、大連鮮鮑魚、西班牙風乾火腿配蜜瓜、北京填鴨以及皇帝龍蝦湯。另外更為客人提供特大鮮元貝配魚子醬。


  • 12月24日: 每位成人港幣$1138,每位小童港幣$958
  • 12月25日: 每位成人港幣$1038,每位小童港幣$808
  • 12月31日: 每位成人港幣$1000,每位小童港幣$808
  • 港麗酒店

這款聖誕海鮮半自助餐融合了精緻餐飲,「懷歐敘」位於金鐘道88號太古廣場 – 港麗酒店8樓(電話:28225777)。美食包括新鮮生蠔、法國麵包蟹、大蝦及青口。



  • 12月24日: 每位成人港幣$1188,每位小童港幣$598
  • 12月25日: 每位成人港幣$1188,每位小童港幣$598
  • 12月31日: 每位成人港幣$1988,每位小童港幣$688
  • 香港洲際酒店

這家餐廳位於尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號海傍(電話:23132323)。從香港洲際酒店觀賞維多利亞港的聖誕燈飾,實在令人嘆為觀止。這款自助餐提供超過100種菜色,包括海鮮(龍蝦、青口、蟹、大蝦及帶子) 、即烤薄餅、天婦羅、北京填鴨、火雞、烤火腿及美式牛扒。


  • 12月24日及12月25日: 每位成人港幣$1538,每位小童港幣$1008
  • 12月31日: 每位成人港幣$1288,每位小童港幣$888
  • JW萬豪酒店

這家餐廳位於金鐘道88號太古廣場 – JW萬豪酒店大堂(電話:28108366)。聖誕自助餐提供各式海鮮,包括波士頓龍蝦、刺身、俄羅斯魚子醬及南非鮑魚。同時提供新鮮烤製的肉眼扒、火雞及肋骨讓愛吃肉的朋友大飽口福。

  • 12月24日: 每位成人港幣$1088,每位小童港幣$768
  • 12月25日: 每位成人港幣$988,每位小童港幣$688
  • 12月26日: 每位成人港幣$688,每位小童港幣$488
  • 12月31日: 每位成人港幣$2888(每兩位客人免費贈送一瓶Dom Perignon香檳) ,每位小童港幣$598
  • 1月1日: 每位成人港幣$598,每位小童港幣$388
what our happy customers say
View all Testimonials
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
"I live in the United States and needed to get flowers to a sick friend in Hong Kong. Gift Flowers was very professional and assisted me in every way to accomplish this. They made some very good recommendations and the flowers sent were very beautiful. I would highly recommend them for any of your floral needs."
"Beautiful flowers! My 2nd time purchase from Gift Flowers! Absolutely great services and products! Reasonable price too!"
"Thank you for the beautiful flowers you delivered to my daughter-in-law on her birthday, order ~500000259, she was delighted with them & I will certainly use you again. So easy to order, thank you again."
"I would just like to thank you for the smooth process and delivery of my order. The orchid was very pretty per recipient. Thank you once again. Really appreciate it!"
"Thanks so much!!! The flower is lovely and a great comfort for my sister after her surgery!! Appreciate your help delivering the message for me at the right time as I am not in HK at the moment :) Keep up your nice products and service!!!"
"Thank you very much for helping us pull off such a wonderful surprise yesterday. The patience and understanding your driver and coordinator showed in making sure the flowers were delivered properly speaks volumes of the quality of your service. This is my second time ordering and having flowers delivered through you and I am very impressed. Know that I will come to you for all my flower delivery needs!"
"This was my first time ordering flowers for my mother who lives in HK and I live on the other side of the earth. There were a lot options to choose from, for reasonable price. It was so quick, smooth and convenient. My mom received the flowers right on time and it was lovely"
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Gift Hampers HK一直致力於為客戶提供最優質的產品。我們確保從我們這裡購買的每個禮物籃或禮品籃均採用優質的柳條筐或籃子包裝。這意味著它們不僅可以改善我們精美禮品的呈現方式,而且可以重複使用。



